Uncategorized Archives - Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/category/uncategorized/ Wed, 29 Sep 2021 20:43:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.8 Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt? https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2021/08/19/does-getting-a-dental-crown-hurt/ Thu, 19 Aug 2021 20:41:00 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=70 During your routine checkup, your dentist informs you that you’ll need to get a dental crown. If you’ve never had one before, you probably have several questions running through your head. For most patients, their main concern is whether the procedure will be painful. But rest assured – it’s a common and safe process that […]

The post Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt? appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

young woman sitting in dental chair during visit

During your routine checkup, your dentist informs you that you’ll need to get a dental crown. If you’ve never had one before, you probably have several questions running through your head. For most patients, their main concern is whether the procedure will be painful. But rest assured – it’s a common and safe process that is much more comfortable than you think! Read along to learn what you can expect and what will happen if you delay getting a dental crown.

What Is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are custom-made caps that are fit over the surface of your teeth. They can be fabricated from a variety of materials and are often used to restore the size, shape, and structure of damaged or decayed teeth. Today, most crowns are made from ceramic or porcelain because they mimic the appearance of real tooth enamel, creating seamless and natural-looking results!

The Dental Crown Procedure

In most cases, the dental crown procedure can be completed in as little as two appointments. It’s often broken down into the following steps:

Preparation Visit

At your initial visit, your dentist will examine the tooth in question and prepare it for a crown. This appointment will be longer than the second one because it involves numbing the tooth, filing down the enamel, removing damaged areas, and taking an impression for the lab. Since your tooth is completely numb with a local anesthetic, you won’t feel a thing during its preparation!

Final Placement

In between appointments, you’ll have a temporary crown to minimize any sensitivity. But once the permanent one is created, you’ll return to the clinic and have it permanently cemented in place. Your dentist may use a numbing agent to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.

What to Expect During Recovery

After getting a dental crown, you’ll most likely experience irritation, tenderness, and inflammation as a result of the procedure. However, any discomfort you feel should resolve within a few days! You can take over-the-counter pain medication to alleviate mild sensitivity for the first few days. If you’re experiencing significant pain, contact your dentist right away to examine the area and make necessary adjustments.

What Happens If You Avoid Getting a Dental Crown?

Believe it or not, the biggest risks of dental crown treatment are associated with not getting one. They’re designed to protect structurally compromised teeth, meaning the tooth can eventually break down with everyday use. Delaying treatment can increase your risk of significant pain and dental emergencies down the road.

Although getting a dental crown might seem nerve-wracking, it’s a standard and safe procedure that can protect your smile for many years to come!

About the Practice

At Warnick and Semder Dentistry, we provide exceptional, personalized, and individually tailored dental care that is bound to exceed even your highest expectations. Our team uses the latest techniques, materials, and technologies to give you a smile you can confidently show off. If you’re nervous about your upcoming dental crown procedure, we’ll be there every step of the way to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible. Visit our website or call our office to schedule an appointment.

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5 Things You Should Never Put in Your Mouth https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2021/08/04/5-things-you-should-never-put-in-mouth-to-prevent-dental-emergency/ Wed, 04 Aug 2021 19:45:00 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=65 Dental emergencies can be frightening and happen when you least expect them to. Although some accidents aren’t entirely avoidable, there are many steps you can take to prevent a dental emergency. Biting down on the wrong item or food can easily result in chipped or broken teeth. Luckily, being mindful of what you put in […]

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girl eating lemon

Dental emergencies can be frightening and happen when you least expect them to. Although some accidents aren’t entirely avoidable, there are many steps you can take to prevent a dental emergency. Biting down on the wrong item or food can easily result in chipped or broken teeth. Luckily, being mindful of what you put in your mouth can help keep your pearly whites safe. Here are five things you should avoid.


Since lemons are considered a fruit, most people find them completely harmless and eat them regularly. Some drink lemon water every morning, claiming it helps with digestion and ups their vitamin C intake. Others might simply suck on a lemon as a tasty treat! However, the citrus fruit can do much more damage than you think. Because they’re highly acidic, they can cause enamel erosion and throw off the mouth’s pH balance.


After finishing a cool drink, lots of people enjoy munching on the leftover ice cubes. Although it might be a satisfying treat, it can easily result in a dental emergency. Every year, dentists see patients who’ve fractured one or more teeth from chewing on ice. If you can’t kick the ice-eating habit, get a slushie to satisfy your craving instead. The finely shaven, semi-melted pieces of ice are much easier to consume.  

Bottle Caps

Drinks with plastic or metal bottle caps can be a pain to open sometimes. However, you should never resort to using your teeth no matter how tempted you are! By doing so, you increase your risk of chipping, breaking or losing a tooth, muscle pain, and even TMJ problems. Instead, wait for a bottle opener or another person to help you crank that drink open.

Your Fingernails

Although nail-biting isn’t one of the worst habits to have, it can still be quite harmful to your smile. Over time, biting your nails can wear down the teeth and create cracks in the enamel. Plus, the action of biting puts your jaw in an unnatural position, potentially leading to pain in your teeth, ears, and jaw.


Have you ever mindlessly chewed on a pen? It’s a common habit that most people do when they’re bored – and they might not even realize it! Unfortunately, it can result in broken teeth and introduce your mouth to unwanted bacteria. If you feel tempted to chew on a pen, consider opting for sugar-free gum instead. It’ll freshen your breath and help preserve your smile!

Dentists would never put the things outlined above in their mouths – so neither should you. By avoiding these items, you can prevent a dental emergency and maintain a happy and healthy smile for years to come!

About the Practice

At Warnick and Semder Dentistry, we are passionate about helping our patients achieve and maintain their absolute best smiles. We offer comprehensive services that are guaranteed to meet all your oral health needs. Our team understands dental emergencies can happen in the blink of an eye, which is why we provide same-day care for prompt relief. If you have a chipped or broken tooth after putting the wrong thing in your mouth, don’t hesitate to contact us for treatment. Visit our website or call our office to schedule an emergency visit.  

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5 Trends That Can Harm Your Smile https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2021/07/29/popular-trends-that-are-bad-for-your-teeth/ Thu, 29 Jul 2021 21:51:00 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=54 There always seems to be a new fad circulating around online. However, it is important to note that there is so much misinformation on the Internet, so doing your own research is key. It can be difficult to tell the difference between a helpful hack and doing something that could be harmful for your body. […]

The post 5 Trends That Can Harm Your Smile appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.


There always seems to be a new fad circulating around online. However, it is important to note that there is so much misinformation on the Internet, so doing your own research is key. It can be difficult to tell the difference between a helpful hack and doing something that could be harmful for your body. You don’t want to try a new trend only to find out that you’ve put your oral health at risk. Here are a few trends that you should be wary of for the sake of your teeth.

Apple Cider Vinegar

There are numerous health benefits from apple cider vinegar. Whether you’re dealing with an upset stomach, sore throat, or you are just looking for a way to lower your cholesterol, there’s going to be someone out there claiming that apple cider vinegar is the answer. However, this remedy isn’t the best for your smile. Your teeth are very vulnerable to acidic substances, and this type of vinegar is so acidic that it can cause your enamel to erode. If you are taking apple cider vinegar for one reason or another, be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterwards. This will help to return the pH of your mouth to normal.

Lemon Juice Detox

This detox is used as an effort to lose weight. The recipe includes a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water. Similar to apple cider vinegar, this concoction is highly acidic and increases your likelihood of developing cavities. Another problem is that this 10-day cleanse doesn’t include solids, so you won’t be chewing. This means that you won’t be producing enough saliva to prevent cavities, gum disease, and enamel erosion.

Sparkling Water

If you are constantly drinking soda, sports drinks, or energy drinks, this beverage is an excellent alternative because it doesn’t contain any sugar. However, you aren’t completely out of the woods. Sparkling water is acidic, so it lowers the pH in your mouth. This means weaker enamel and more tooth decay. It is best for you to stick to regular water.


Kombucha is a fermented tea that’s grown in popularity as of recently. Some of its benefits include detoxification, improved digestion, immune system stimulation, arthritis relief, and even cancer prevention. However, it is also acidic, and many store-bought brands contain added sugar. This means additional cavities and other oral health problems.

Activated Charcoal

Lot of oral hygiene products on the market now contain activated charcoal. The idea behind these products is that they absorb toxins and stains which leads to whiter teeth and healthier gums. However, there isn’t enough evidence to prove that they are an effective solution to discoloration. They also tend to be too abrasive for teeth and can wear away enamel over time.

Popular trends aren’t always everything they’re cut out to be. Be sure that you are doing your own research so you can properly look after your body and your smile!

About the Practice

At Warnick & Semder Dentistry, there is a committed team of four dentists providing quality care to patients in the St. Albans area. With their combined skills and expertise, patients can get pretty much anything they need at one of their three convenient locations. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit their website or call (304) 722-2211.

The post 5 Trends That Can Harm Your Smile appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

An Easy Guide to Dental Implant Terms https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2021/07/22/dental-implant-terms/ Thu, 22 Jul 2021 20:44:00 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=51 Tooth loss is a common issue throughout the country. Approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and 40 million are missing all of their teeth. The good news is that losing a tooth no longer means that you need to go the rest of your life with a gap in your smile. […]

The post An Easy Guide to Dental Implant Terms appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

Dental implant

Tooth loss is a common issue throughout the country. Approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and 40 million are missing all of their teeth. The good news is that losing a tooth no longer means that you need to go the rest of your life with a gap in your smile. There are several tooth replacement options out there to help. Dental implants are a preferred method because of their numerous benefits, but you want to be well informed before you commit to them. Here are some terms that you may hear during the dental implants process and their meanings.


This is a connecter that is attached to the top of your dental implant. It serves as the attachment for the replacement tooth. The abutment helps to guarantee that your new tooth stays firmly in its rightful place. An abutment tooth is a crowned tooth that supports and stabilizes a bridge or partial denture.


This is one of the most common materials used to make dental implants. It’s created from a type of clay and then hardened by heat.


A crown, or cap, is used to replace a single tooth that is missing, broken, or damaged. They typically fit over an existing tooth. In the case of dental implants, they are attached to the abutment in order to become perfectly grounded.


Dentures are a traditional tooth replacement option that you probably already know about. However, there are several different types of dentures available, like implant dentures. Instead of being held in by the natural suction of your mouth, they are supported by dental implants. This allows for additional longevity and stability.

Endosteal Implant

This is the most commonly used type of dental implant. For this type, a dentist places the implant directly into your jawbone through a surgical procedure. Each implant holds at least one replacement tooth.

Eposteal Implant

Instead of being placed directly into the bone, eposteal implants are supported by resting on the jawbone. It isn’t a very common tooth replacement option anymore, but if a patient is at high risk of advanced bone resorption, the dentist may suggest this type of implant instead.


This is the biological process where a dental implant fuses with your existing bone. It improves the strength of both the bone and the implant.

By knowing these dental implant related terms, you can better understand how your upcoming procedure will work. You will be reaping the benefits of your restored smile in no time!

About the Practice

At Warnick & Semder Dentistry, there is a committed team of four dentists providing quality care to patients in the St. Albans area. With their combined skills and expertise, patients can get pretty much anything they need at one of their three convenient locations. To learn more about dental implants or to schedule an appointment, visit their website or call (304) 722-2211.

The post An Easy Guide to Dental Implant Terms appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

The Top 4 Freedoms and Benefits of Invisalign https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2021/01/06/the-top-4-freedoms-and-benefits-of-invisalign/ Wed, 06 Jan 2021 14:37:00 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=44 Invisalign is very well-known for its clear appearance. In fact, it has grown in popularity because of it. But that is not the only positive aspect of this straightening treatment. If you are ready to straighten your smile, you’re not sure if Invisalign is right for you, keep reading to learn the top 4 freedoms […]

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Woman standing in front of a white brick wall wearing a white sweater and smiling as she holds an Invisalign tray

Invisalign is very well-known for its clear appearance. In fact, it has grown in popularity because of it. But that is not the only positive aspect of this straightening treatment. If you are ready to straighten your smile, you’re not sure if Invisalign is right for you, keep reading to learn the top 4 freedoms and benefits Invisalign offers.

Less Problematic

With traditional braces, the brackets that are adhered to your teeth and the sharp, pointy wires that accompany them can lead to cuts and tears on your cheeks and lips. With Invisalign, the smooth plastic of the aligner trays they are less bulky and are no threat to your oral tissues. You will feel some pressure as the aligners shift your teeth into place, but that is the most discomfort that your trays cause.

Eat What You Like

If you’ve decided to straighten your teeth, traditional braces may prevent you from eating foods you may love. Taffy, pizza crust, caramel or other foods are off limits. With Invisalign, the only requirement is that you must remove your clear aligners before eating and before you drink anything other than water. Once you take your aligners out, you can eat and drink whatever you like.

Easier to Speak and Smile

Wearing traditional braces can cause some to feel self-conscious. When they smile, they get the feeling that people are staring at their dental device rather than listening to what they say. When you smile and talk while wearing clear aligners, the focus is on you and not your orthodontic treatment. The brackets on metal braces can also cut your tongue or cause your lips to chafe when you speak. Pronouncing certain words or letters can be difficult until you are able to get used to them. Aligner trays are lay flat against your teeth, so you would not have to worry about any of these issues.

Fewer Dental Visits

With traditional braces, your dentist will need to evaluate your progress and tighten and possibly replace wires and change any elastics you have. These adjustments are needed in order to shift your teeth and keep your progress on track. This will need to be done every 4 to 8 weeks. When receiving an Invisalign treatment, some dentists may only require a total of two visits throughout your entire treatment while others might require a visit every six weeks to track your progress. If your dentist discovers a setback in your treatment, they can revise it by simply issuing you a new set of trays or they place Invisalign attachments and buttons on your teeth to help them shift into the correct position.

Studies show that about 4.5 million people wear traditional braces while about 9 million have turned to clear aligners to straighten their smiles. Invisalign can shorten the length of your orthodontic treatment by months or even years! This means you can achieve the smile you want faster and with less stress. However, Invisalign is not for everyone. If you’re not sure whether clear aligners will work for your dental needs, your dentist will evaluate your teeth and recommend the best treatment for you.

About the Practice

The combined expertise of the team of dentists at Warnick & Semder Dentistry allows for the dental office to be the perfect one-stop-shop for your family’s dental care needs. Warnick & Semder Dentistry is committed to ensuring that every patient receives personalized, top-quality dental care in a comfortable environment. Their services include everything from general cleanings and checkups to Invisalign and more. If you’re ready to get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted, contact the office at (304) 397-4081 or visit the website to schedule an appointment today.

The post The Top 4 Freedoms and Benefits of Invisalign appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

Can You Get Porcelain Veneers with Misaligned Teeth? https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2020/08/11/porcelain-veneers-crooked-teeth/ Tue, 11 Aug 2020 22:37:00 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=35 Porcelain veneers can fix all sorts of aesthetic issues and leave you with a perfected smile. This is why it’s a favorite among celebrities and others who want to enhance their already beautiful smile by eliminating discoloration, chips, and other small imperfections. For the most part, anyone who has good oral health is a good […]

The post Can You Get Porcelain Veneers with Misaligned Teeth? appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

Woman getting porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers can fix all sorts of aesthetic issues and leave you with a perfected smile. This is why it’s a favorite among celebrities and others who want to enhance their already beautiful smile by eliminating discoloration, chips, and other small imperfections. For the most part, anyone who has good oral health is a good candidate for dental veneers. However, there are factors to consider before you commit to them, including the alignment of your smile. Continue reading to learn about whether or not you should get veneers if you have crooked teeth.

Can You Get Veneers with Crooked Teeth?

Even though veneers can fix a world of issues, severe misalignment is not one of them. Depending on how crooked your teeth are, it may not be the best idea. If your teeth are severely misaligned, it can be a threat to your oral health. They are more difficult to clean and more likely to break or chip from overcrowding in certain areas. If you have an issue with your bite, veneers will only cover it up instead of getting to the root of the problem. You should talk to your dentist about possible orthodontic treatment to move your teeth into their correct locations before you should consider getting porcelain veneers to perfect your smile.

If you only have minor misalignment, it may not be a big deal. Sometimes, veneers can even cover up the appearance of crooked teeth entirely! However, it depends on whether your teeth are just slightly crooked or if you have a bite issue that needs to be dealt with. After examining the extent of your misalignment, your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for dental veneers so you can get the best possible results.

How Can You Straighten Your Smile?

If your dentist determines that you’re better off having your teeth aligned prior to getting dental veneers, that does not necessarily mean that you need to put up with years of braces to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Instead, you have options like Invisalign clear aligners. This treatment uses sets of customized aligners to place pressure on your teeth in order to shift them to their ideal positions. Every two weeks, you are given a new set of aligners to wear so your smile will progress to perfection. This can allow you to have more freedom of what you can do to enhance your smile.

Just because your teeth are crooked doesn’t always mean that you cannot invest in dental veneers. Ask your dentist if you are a good candidate. They will be able to give you the best advice on how you can give yourself a smile that screams confidence!

About the Author

Dr. Todd Semder and his team provide many different cosmetic services, including porcelain veneers, at his practice in St. Albans, WV. Dr. Semder earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the WVU School of Dentistry and is certified in both Invisalign and dental implant placement. He is a member of the American Dental Association and the West Virginia Dental Association. For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit his website or call (304) 722-2211.

The post Can You Get Porcelain Veneers with Misaligned Teeth? appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

Easy & Important Hand Hygiene Tips to Use in COVID-19 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2020/05/18/st-albans-dentist-hand-hygiene-tips-covid-19/ Mon, 18 May 2020 17:48:00 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=27 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has always recommended regular handwashing to keep yourself healthy from sicknesses like the common cold and the flu. While practicing social distancing is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, hand hygiene is more important than ever as well. Even while staying at home, regularly […]

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Patient practicing excellent hand hygiene as recommended by St. Albans dentist

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has always recommended regular handwashing to keep yourself healthy from sicknesses like the common cold and the flu. While practicing social distancing is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, hand hygiene is more important than ever as well. Even while staying at home, regularly washing your hands plays a key role in keeping you healthy throughout the pandemic. Here are a few simple yet effective hand hygiene tips from your St. Albans dentist that can help protect you from the novel coronavirus.

How to Properly Wash Your Hands

Half-hearted hand hygiene won’t protect you from COVID-19. To keep yourself healthy and your hands germ-free, it’s essential to practice the right handwashing techniques with these five steps:

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water.
  2. Lather with soap and thoroughly wash your hands for 20 seconds.
  3. Clean your fingertips as well as underneath your fingernails and jewelry.
  4. Rinse your hands off with clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands completely, ideally with a disposable (paper) towel.

When to Wash Your Hands in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Recent studies estimate that the average person touches their face 16 times an hour, or 2,000-3,000 times a day. Since bacteria and germs can be transferred to our face each time it comes in contact with our hands, it’s essential to wash our hands frequently. In “normal” everyday life, health experts recommend handwashing:

  • Before eating.
  • Before leaving the bathroom.
  • After handling raw food, garbage, or animals.

However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, you should also wash your hands:

  • After returning from a grocery store, pharmacy, or other public place.
  • Directly after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Tips for Using Hand Sanitizer in COVID-19

Contrary to popular belief, using hand sanitizer is not a more effective way to clean your hands than washing with soap and water. However, health experts report that a sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content can be used as an alternative in times when handwashing is not an option. To use it correctly, carefully read and follow the instructions printed on the label. Typically, you’ll be instructed to apply a small amount in the center of one palm, then rub it all over both hands for 20 seconds.

Remember, excellent hand hygiene can only keep you safe when practiced correctly. Keep these important tips in mind to keep your hands clean and yourself healthy throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

About the Practice

At Warnick & Semder Dentistry in St. Albans, WV, nothing is more important than the wellbeing of our patients, staff, and community. In order to continue to provide excellent oral health care in the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now utilizing virtual consultations to safely connect with our patients. If you have questions or concerns about your dental health, please reach out to us via our website or at (304) 722-2211.

The post Easy & Important Hand Hygiene Tips to Use in COVID-19 appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

Dental Emergency and Self-Quarantine: What Should You Do? https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2020/03/16/dental-emergency-and-what-you-should-do-if-self-quarantined/ Mon, 16 Mar 2020 11:54:10 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=21 A dental emergency never happens when you expect it or at a “good time.” It may happen when you’re preparing to leave on vacation, going in for a job interview, or undergoing self-quarantine as a result of the coronavirus that has become a global pandemic. So, what do you do? When does a dental emergency […]

The post Dental Emergency and Self-Quarantine: What Should You Do? appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

a digital image of tooth pain occurring within a person’s mouth

A dental emergency never happens when you expect it or at a “good time.” It may happen when you’re preparing to leave on vacation, going in for a job interview, or undergoing self-quarantine as a result of the coronavirus that has become a global pandemic. So, what do you do? When does a dental emergency warrant leaving your home to seek immediate care? To find out, let your local dentist share ways to determine if you should take care of the situation at home or venture out to get the help of a professional.

When You Should Seek a Dentist’s Help

At a time when most dental offices are closed and only seeing patients who are dealing with dental emergencies, you need to know how to tell the difference between a serious injury and one that can be cared for at home. It’s not always easy, as you may be prone to minimizing a situation when, in fact, you should see someone immediately, or vice versa.

While many individuals are practicing social distancing, you may be in self-quarantine, which can make your situation, should you have a dental emergency, even more difficult. However, if the situation is severe enough, you’ll need to get help. Some situations that would require you see an emergency dentist include:

  • A knocked-out tooth. Because time is sensitive when dealing with this type of emergency, if you do not get the care you need within an hour, the tooth is no longer viable and instead, will need to be replaced.
  • Severe tooth pain. This doesn’t include a toothache caused by something lodged between your teeth. Instead, if the pain is so extreme that it becomes almost debilitating, it’s time to see a dentist. The reason is that there could be an infection within the tooth that will require either root canal therapy or tooth extraction.

Should your dental staff believe an emergency appointment is necessary, trust that your dentist and their team are taking all the precautions to prevent the spread of coronavirus. From sterilizing tools, equipment, and surfaces, to disinfecting all other areas that require hand-to-hand contact, you can trust that they will minimize any possible transmission as much as possible.

Tips for At-Home Care

When calling your dentist’s office, the staff member you are speaking with may determine that while your situation will need proper care, it is best if you stay home and care for the problem. They will walk you through the necessary steps to minimize the risk of further damage. Some at-home remedies to consider are:

  • Using a cold compress to reduce swelling. This is great for a general toothache, chipped tooth, or soft tissue laceration.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. From toothaches to busted lips, this will help minimize discomfort and help you to feel better.
  • Use dental floss. If an object is stuck between your teeth and is causing pain around a particular tooth, gently use it to remove the item.
  • Keep dental wax nearby. This is useful should you accidentally chip a tooth. By placing it around the jagged area of your tooth, you can better protect your soft tissues from irritation and injury.

No matter the type of injury, the important thing to remember is to call your dentist’s office. Their team is ready to help and can evaluate your symptoms and situation based on the information you provide. To keep everyone safe, if it is not necessary that you seek immediate care, they will make sure you understand what to do to take care of your smile while at home.

About the Practice
At Warnick & Semder Dentistry, Dr. Todd Semder, Dr. Melissa Warnick, and Dr. Steve Warnick know this is a unique time in our world. With COVID-19 spreading throughout the globe, it may have you wondering what to do in an emergency. Our team of professionals doesn’t want you to forgo treatment, especially if it is a problem that requires immediate care. Should you believe you have a dental emergency, contact us at (304) 722-2211. Our friendly and caring staff will be happy to evaluate your situation over the phone and determine whether you need an emergency appointment or proper at-home.

The post Dental Emergency and Self-Quarantine: What Should You Do? appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

3 Benefits of Getting BOTOX: The Fast & Effective “Lunchtime Facelift” https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2020/01/19/3-benefits-of-botox/ Sun, 19 Jan 2020 15:50:56 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=14 Do you feel as though your facial skin looks worn and wrinkled? BOTOX is a common cosmetic treatment that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by tensed and bunched-up muscles beneath the skin, which can boost your confidence and self-esteem. BOTOX injections allow your facial muscles to relax, smoothing out any […]

The post 3 Benefits of Getting BOTOX: The Fast & Effective “Lunchtime Facelift” appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

notepad that says "fast results"

Do you feel as though your facial skin looks worn and wrinkled? BOTOX is a common cosmetic treatment that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by tensed and bunched-up muscles beneath the skin, which can boost your confidence and self-esteem. BOTOX injections allow your facial muscles to relax, smoothing out any flaws that cause your skin to look worn-down. If this seems too good to be true, just wait until you hear about all of the other benefits that BOTOX treatment offers!

3 Reasons BOTOX Is So Popular

BOTOX is a popular cosmetic treatment among people of all backgrounds and ages because it’s incredibly convenient. The treatment can accommodate even the busiest schedules, allowing you to achieve exquisite results without needing to clear the rest of your day’s plans.

Fast Results

Patients are usually curious about how long they will need to wait before they begin to notice the subtle and delicate improvements of BOTOX. Because it doesn’t use invasive medical procedures or scalpels, BOTOX results begin to appear within five to 10 days after the procedure, with the full effects of the treatment becoming visible after 14 days.

Long-Lasting Effect

The effects of BOTOX typically last between three and six months, depending on whether it’s your first time receiving the treatment or not. Your facial muscles will gradually regain their tension, causing the lines and wrinkles to reappear. After multiple treatments, these lines often appear less severe. Patients who are getting the procedure for the first time typically notice that the results fade faster. 

Quick Procedure

BOTOX treatment is often referred to as a “lunchtime facelift” because each injection only takes about 10 minutes. Depending on how many you’d like to have administered, appointments usually only last between 20 minutes to an hour.

Why Visit a Dentist for BOTOX?

Patients often wonder why they would visit their dentist for BOTOX treatment because they’re seen as being able to only improve the health and look of your mouth. Over the last decade, dentists have been approved to administer BOTOX injections because it’s seen as a natural extension of their work. They’ve spent countless years studying the ways each part of your mouth and face interact to function, which makes sense why they would be more than qualified to achieve beautiful results using this cosmetic treatment. Plus, patients who are receiving cosmetic dental procedures can easily improve their facial appearance alongside their oral health, making all of their aesthetic needs easily accessible under the same roof. Many dentists have been specially trained in administering BOTOX.

These are only a few of the many benefits that BOTOX has to offer. The best way to learn whether this cosmetic treatment can help you meet your appearance goals is to schedule a consultation with your dentist. They’ll go over the treatment plan and discuss what you’d like to achieve so you can enjoy your confidence-boosting results as soon as possible.

About the Author

Dr. Melissa Warnick has over 20 years of experience helping her patients achieve beautiful aesthetic transformations with high-quality cosmetic dental care. She focuses on listening to each of her patients wants and needs so she can give them results that make them feel refreshed and transformed. She has completed extensive training in BOTOX and dermal fillers and is a member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics. For questions or to schedule a consultation to learn how we can help you can turn back the clock on aging, visit Warnick & Semder Dentistry’s website or call 304-722-2211. We have three convenient locations in Teays Valley, WV.

The post 3 Benefits of Getting BOTOX: The Fast & Effective “Lunchtime Facelift” appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

4 Advantages of Choosing Invisalign Over Braces https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/2019/12/15/benefits-of-invisalign-over-braces/ Sun, 15 Dec 2019 15:31:55 +0000 https://www.warnickandsemder.com/blog/?p=9 Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, improving your oral health by straightening your smile is an important decision to make. The problem is, traditional braces distract from your image and can impact your overall self-confidence for years, depending on how long your treatment lasts. Fortunately, using the latest dental technology, Invisalign aligners can straighten […]

The post 4 Advantages of Choosing Invisalign Over Braces appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.

person holding a pair of Invisalign aligners and braces

Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, improving your oral health by straightening your smile is an important decision to make. The problem is, traditional braces distract from your image and can impact your overall self-confidence for years, depending on how long your treatment lasts. Fortunately, using the latest dental technology, Invisalign aligners can straighten your smile and fix minor bite problems without drawing attention to your oral appliance. Read on to learn about four advantages you’ll be able to enjoy when you get Invisalign over traditional metal braces.  


The most obvious reason why patients choose Invisalign aligners over traditional braces is because they’re made from a practically invisible clear plastic that is virtually unnoticeable. Instead of having your smile be tainted by bright pieces of unsightly metal, you’ll be able to maintain your professional image while undergoing treatment. This will help you maintain your self-confidence to talk to new people, make important connections, and go on dates without worrying that the only thing people will be able to focus on is the fact that you have an orthodontic appliance in your mouth.

Improved Comfort

Invisalign aligners are more comfortable and convenient than braces in a variety of ways. You can easily take them out of your mouth to eat the foods you enjoy and more easily brush and floss your teeth without having to maneuver around metal. Patients who have traditional braces also frequently complain about the wires and brackets causing irritation and cuts on their oral tissues. Each aligner you wear will be precisely fitted to your unique oral structure and made from a smooth plastic, allowing you to go about your day without cringing in discomfort each time you open your mouth to speak.

Shorter Treatment Times

The typical treatment time for traditional metal braces is between one and two years. The average Invisalign timeline is between eight and 14 months. Invisalign uses the same strategies to straighten your teeth, but with the latest dental technology, the treatment is more efficient and effective than metal brackets and wires.

Know What to Expect

When you visit your dentist’s office for an Invisalign consultation, they’ll map out a detailed treatment plan for you. Using the information they collect during this appointment, they’ll be able to provide you with a computerized model of your mouth that shows the progress you’ll make over the course of your treatment. That way, you know exactly what you can expect before you even start wearing your aligners. With traditional braces, you won’t have this luxury, and the treatment can sometimes seem like a trial-and-error situation.

These are only a few of the advantages that Invisalign treatment offers over conventional metal braces. With this modern orthodontic procedure, you’ll feel more confident and comfortable straightening your teeth. To start your journey and learn whether Invisalign is right for you, schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist today.

About the Author

Dr. Todd Semder has over a decade of experience and is passionate about helping boost his patients’ confidence by improving their smiles. He is certified in Invisalign treatment and has completed advanced training in a variety of procedures that allow him to provide his patients with comprehensive dental care. For questions or to schedule a consultation for Invisalign in St. Albans, Winfield, or Teays Valley, visit Warnick & Semder Dentistry’s website or call 304-586-4444.

The post 4 Advantages of Choosing Invisalign Over Braces appeared first on Warnick & Semder Dentistry Blog.
